I love to teach!

I’ve been doing it since I was at the University of California, Berkeley where I studied history.

History is my favorite subject to write about and teach. I've been publishing articles on the Internet since 1985 on USENET. I've had my own website since 1995, where I have archives of all my articles.

I also write about:

- World Travel, and

- Pop Culture -- like reviews of Movies, Concerts, and Theatre.

In addition to writing, I also teach by speaking and training.

I’ve served as a high-tech sales training executive for most of my career.

Thanks for coming by. I think you’ll learn things you didn’t know or didn’t realize you wanted to know.

Visit my blog at billpetro.com

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Medium member since March 2017
Friend of Medium since December 2023
Connect with Bill Petro
Bill Petro

Bill Petro

Friend of Medium

Historian, technologist, blogger/podcaster. Former Silicon Valley tech exec. Author of articles on history, tech, pop culture, & travel. https://billpetro.com